Friday 9 March 2018

“Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man”

“Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man”
Photos by HarperCollins publishers 
By Accra Maweya      

Since this is my first book review, I decided to go for a book that has not only changed my view about relationships and intimacy but has also helped many women all around the world.

“Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man” is a book which was written by well-known Comedian, radio host, television host, producer, radio personality, actor and author. The book’s first edition was published in 2009 by HaperLuxe at the Unites States of America.The book describes for women Harvey's concept of what men really think about love, relationships, intimacy and commitment. For most women we tend to forget that our view or understanding of these concepts aren’t the same as our male species.

The differences between women and men are not only documented but they are often used as jokes. This is because people just want to see the funny part of our gender differences. Although they are sometimes funny, they can have serious impacts in a person’s life regardless of their gender.

 Experts have discovered that there are actually differences in the way women’s and men’s brains are structured and in the way they react to situations.This book has made these differences easier to understand by the way he showed the reader how we women think when it comes to relationships vs how men think about it. This book has made it easier for me to understand the man in my life. I remember spending time with my girlfriends and we would spend hours discussing the male specie and their thinking capacity which was very dull by the way.

We would go on for hours trying to advice each other about our relationships and the challenges we faced. The most asked question once one of our men pissed us off that we all had no answer to was “what was he thinking and why?”

I do not believe in soul mates or perfect connections from the beginning. All bonds take time to develop. Men are usually the ones who approach a women and it is very rare to find the game played opposite (a women approaching a man). Women forget the saying “first impressions last forever” Many times women just think about what they want to say and do. Steve Harvey’s book is good for helping women improve their surveying process by revealing to them some basic motives of men. It shows us whether a man sees a women as a keeper or just someone he can toy around with.

This book is aimed directly for a woman who truly wants a solid relationship but just can’t figure out how to get one and for those who are already in a relationship but are trying to figure out how to make it better, For a woman who is trying to forget everything she’s ever been taught about men (the myths, the heresy, everything her mother told her, everything her girlfriends told her including all the advice she read in magazines and seen on television).In the book he advices woman to stop heaping their own definition of love on men and recognize that men love differently.”          

This book clearly shows women that we don’t have to go into relationships with a blind fold over our eyes simply because of the tricks men play. We can know their tactics so we are able to identify a guy who is worth our time and a guy who just wants to play with our cake just to break our hearts in return.

 Although many men believe Steve sold them out on the book, it is not only based on women knowing more about a man’s mind, instead it for men as well. This book is for any person who is either dating and he/she is tired of being played with, a person who wants to get the ring and even people who have remarried and wish to gain control and sustain the bond in their marriage/ relationship. As a man the book can help you understand your partner’s mind.

He has gone as far as even making a feature film based on the book titled “Think Like a Man”. It was released by Sony Pictures' Screen Gems subsidiary on 20 April 2012 and this was when the book got noticed. He was an executive producer on the film and made a cameo appearance as himself.


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